April 16, 2012

island time

this weeks tour...trust
I like when my life is predictable.
But that is not how things usually work when you give your life to the Lord.
I am learning to go with the flow, or as they will say in FSM 'island time.'
April 15
"Trust Me, and don't be afraid. Many things feel out of control. Your routines are not running smoothly. You tend to feel more secure when your life is predictable. Let Me lead you to the rock that is higher than you and your circumstances. Take refuge in the shelter of My wings, where you are absolutely secure. When you are shaken out of your comfortable routines, grip My hand tightly and look for growth opportunities. Instead of bemoaning the loss of your comfort, accept the challenge of something new. I lead you on from glory to glory, making you fit for My kingdom. Say yes to the ways I work in your life. Trust Me, and don't be afraid.
by Sarah Young
I am gripping His hand tighter than you could imagine.
I am saying yes to the things He is asking me to do.
I am trusting Him.
I am filled with the love of Jesus in my heart. 
I am ready.


  1. Anonymous16.4.12

    It gives me peace to know that you are leaning on God all the way and that you are so convicted about following that plan that He has laid out before you. I can feel the confidence that you have in my heart as you wrote. I am ready,

    So proud of you!

    Love Mom
