*13 hours until departure...
I do not like good-byes, who does? So I am thinking of it as see you later! (it just so happens that my see you later is 27 months long!)
So this is how I spent my last few days at home.
-Coffee with my great friend Michelle (you are awesome and I am so glad that God crossed our paths!)
-Pool time with my mom and sister (this is our home away from home during the summer)
cheese fries! our favorite snack at the pool |
-Church, so this is how amazing God is...He always is in the moment! I know that this journey has been planned out by God for me. The theme in Jesus Calling for the month of June is that God is with you. (this also happens to be my theme/verse for my adventure! if you remember from my previous post this verse is inscribed in a ring my parents gave me)
"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
During worship time I was thinking of a song that I like and I knew it had to do with seeking Jesus but I just could not think of the words...guess what the next song was! That is right it was the song! (Thank you Jesus! I posted about this song before and you can check it out here.)Our teaching was from Matthew 8, the story of when Jesus calms the storm. (everything happens for a reason, and I do not think that me hearing this before I leave was a coincidence) I know that I will have storms on my adventure, but I need to remember to have faith and that Jesus is always with me.
-Early birthday! My dear friend B gave me flowers and cheesecake (my favorite!!)
-Dinner, homemade chicken pot pie (yummy!)
(this is our family plate, usually the plate is given to someone for a special reason, like awesome work in school or moving to another country)
-Pedicure and lunch with my mom (I love you!)
veggies and hummus! |
I was stressing over it for awhile...but it all worked out and God was in every detail! (I need to remember to have faith and He will always be with me-even when I am packing!)
So my life has been stuffed into 3 bags, that is right 3!
(I was under the weight limit (48 pounds!) and I even stuffed in a few extras that I was not sure would fit!) God is awesome!
-Dinner, my all time favorite! Enchiladas!! (best last meal ever!)
-My dear friend Carol, who I met on my Haiti trip, gave me this awesome book (Thank you! and I will miss you Carol, I am so glad that I got to know you on our trip to Haiti)
-Church, amazing! Everyone from my church got together and got me a bunch of books and wrote random messages in them! (so I will have surprise messages all along my journey)
It is so amazing to me to see God in all the little things...
-He has allowed me to pack all that I need plus a few comfort items and still be under the weight limit!
-My last two nights at home just so happened to be church nights! His timing is so perfect! (so thankful to have such an amazing support system and church family)
-That I have been able to enjoy all my favorite things with family and friends
-To be constantly reminded that He is holding my hand (in everything I do that verse pops up!)
-That I have peace about my journey
Who knew all this? GOD DID!
and with that...
See you all later!
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