September 9, 2012

the call

tour...following the call

I have had amazing days and I have had frustrating days. I know this journey would have its ups and downs, that is part of the call from Jesus.
I am reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship.
I am reminded page by page what it meand to follow Jesus when He calls.
The call is simple...come, follow me.
The answer is what is difficult for us.
My answer was yes I will follow You.
"The old life is left behind, and completely surrendered. The disciple is dragged out of his relative security into a life of absolute insecurity (that is in truth into the absolute security and safety of the fellowship of Jesus), from a life which is observable and calculable (it is, in fact, quite incalculable) into alife where everything is unobservable and fortuitous (that is, into one which is necessary and calculable), out of the realm of finite (which is in truth the infinite) into the realm of the infinite possibilities (which is the one liberating reality)."
Jesus wants to show me His people and share His love with everyone I meet.
"Discipleship is not limited to what you can comprehend-it must transcend all comprehension" (Luther)
I am not even going to try to figure out what Jesus has planned for me...
He called me to join PC, I listened, obeyed and left me old life to simply follow Him.
He will guide me way!
I am only about one month in at my site, and I am so excited to see where He leads me in the next 2 years!
Stayed tuned for more adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Jesus is speaking deep words of peace to your heart Elana - He is increasing your faith in amazing ways. I love the quotes you shared!
    We miss you...but know that you are right where He wants you to be! Praying for you - always!
