January 6, 2013

New Year's Eve

Tour…New Years Eve
New Years Eve is a big deal here…
My family combines Christmas and New Years Eve. First we had our family gift exchange and ate tons of food.
Then we had a dance party (thanks to my brother, Ryan! He sent my little brother Enrich a mix of music for Christmas)
This is how it works…you bang on pots and scream “Happy New Year ese pwan nappe seni efew okasi” (which basically translate to I wont ask you for more than one piece of candy) and then people throw candy at you (the kids at my house liked my candy because it was from America)
Everyone stayed up all night until the morning.
Large groups of people passed the house all day screaming “Happy New Year ese pwan nappe seni efew okasi
There is no work done on New Year’s Day (not even any cleaning), it is a day to rest and relax and bring in the New Year with no stress, just enjoy the day.
It was a great way to bring in the New Year!

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